Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Protein Synthesis Transcription And Translation

Protein synthesis is defined as â€Å"The creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes.† The synthesis of proteins takes two steps: transcription and translation. Transcription takes the information that is coded in DNA and codes it into mRNA, which heads out of the cell’s nucleus and into the cytoplasm. During translation, the mRNA works with a ribosome and tRNA to synthesize proteins. When trying to understand the process of protein synthesis, basic terms are necessary. DNA is the backbone of life as we know it. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is necessary to life on earth. The basic unit of DNA is called a nucleotide which is also known as a base. DNA is a double stranded helix that is made of these bases. DNA makes thousands of proteins using only four different basis. These bases are labeled as A, T, G, and C. These letters stand for adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. These bases make pairs. A Pairs with T and G pairs w ith C.The same goes for RNA except thymine is replaced with uracil and RNA is single stranded. A continuous strand of DNA is called a gene. Genes are used to make functioning strands of RNA or proteins. The first step in protein synthesis is transcription which is when the cell makes an RNA copy of the information from DNA in the nucleus. The first step of transcription is called initiation. This is when the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter which contains the transcription start point. The polymerase bindsShow MoreRelated Protein Synthesis Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesProtein Synthesis Protein synthesis is one of the most fundamental biological processes. To start off, a protein is made in a ribosome. There are many cellular mechanisms involved with protein synthesis. Before the process of protein synthesis can be described, a person must know what proteins are made out of. There are four basic levels of protein organization. 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